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The Ps5 Pro Is Coming But When


When Will the PS5 Pro Be Released? Rumors Point to Late 2024

The PS5 Pro is Coming, but When?

Gamers have been eagerly awaiting news of the PlayStation 5 Pro, and it looks like we may finally be getting some concrete information. According to a recent leak, the PS5 Pro is set to release in November 2024.

Upgraded Specs for Enhanced Gaming

The PS5 Pro is expected to come with some major upgrades over the standard PS5. The most notable improvement will be a more powerful GPU, which is said to be up to three times faster than the current model. This will allow the PS5 Pro to handle 8K gaming, providing a truly immersive experience.

Grand Theft Auto 6 on the Horizon

The release of the PS5 Pro is also rumored to coincide with the launch of Grand Theft Auto 6, one of the most anticipated games of all time. GTAV will be the first game explicitly built for the PS5, and with the capabilities of the PS5 Pro, it is likely to push the boundaries of what is possible in gaming.

Sony's Silence

Sony has yet to officially announce the PS5 Pro, but the rumors are becoming increasingly persistent. With the release window approaching, it is likely that we will get more information from Sony in the coming months.


The PS5 Pro is shaping up to be a major upgrade for PlayStation fans. With its enhanced specs and the potential for 8K gaming, it is sure to provide an unforgettable experience. As we get closer to the release date, we will keep you updated with the latest news and rumors.

